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(03) 5470 5951

12 Campbell Street, Castlemaine

195 High Street, Kangaroo Flat (Bendigo)

in memory of

Anthony (Tony) Kean

Anthony (Tony) Kean

13th December 1936 - 9th June 2024


Tony passed away peacefully Sunday 9th June 2024 surrounded by his loving family.

We are appreciative of the messages and support of his friends.

We will miss his presence and hope to carry on his spirit.

Felicity, Andrew, Melanie, Liam, Verity, Serena and Briony.


The family invites you to celebrate the life of Tony (Anthony Edward) Kean, Gold & Silversmith Bendigo.

Survived by his seven children, and their families. 

Felicity & Henri, Kyle & Steph, Buddy, Charlie and Jarrah Dekuijer

Andrew & Libby (Noblet), Mabel, Poppy & Bailey (Dunn) and Oliver Kean

Mel & Helen (Baz)

Liam & Heidi (Osfield Kean), Aidan and Kayla Kean

Verity and Alby Kean, Phoebe and Jasper Kean-Clark

Serena & Peter (Ascot), Fergus, Turlough and Pearl Ascot

Briony & Paul (Hatherly), Odie and Archie Hatherly

We’ll be sharing memories and stories of a life well-lived. 


 Please join us for Tony's memorial at Balgownie Winery

on Friday 5th July 2024 commencing at 1.00pm.


 Immediately afterwards we warmly invite you to stay and join us for afternoon tea.

 For catering purposes please complete this form


33 responses to “Anthony (Tony) Kean”

  1. Gayle Teasdale says:

    With fond memories of happy times spent at KTHS.
    I send my heartfelt sympathy to all of the family.
    Gayle (Taylor) Teasdale.

  2. Grant Fenton says:

    My deepest sympathy to Tony’s family.
    I have fond memories of Jewellery class at KTHS and also meeting Tony again in Bendigo during his Bath Lane days.
    His artistry was exceptional.
    Grant Fenton

  3. Paula Burton says:

    My deepest condolences to you all at this difficult time.
    Tony can now rest in peace.
    Paula Burton

  4. Sandra (Keep) George says:

    To Felicity and all the family,
    I’m very sorry to hear this news.
    Mr Kean was a fabulous metal work teacher at school and funny quirky Dad at home, my sympathies to all.
    Sandra (Keep) George

  5. Andrew Kean says:

    A talented craftsman with a tireless work ethic and social conscience, highly regarded and respected by colleagues and friends, will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by our family:-
    With love from Andrew (son), Libby Noblet (daughter-in-law), Mabel, Poppy and Oliver Kean (grand children).

    Thank you to all for your support, messages and consideration. Dad had a good and full life pretty much right up to the end, we are grateful that he did not suffer a prolonged decline, and was able to go out on his terms.
    We look forward to being able to celebrate his life and achievements in the near future with you. R.I.P.

  6. Nathan Anton says:

    Sending love to all Tony’s families on this hard, sad time.
    Jodie Anton (Neilson) ❤️

  7. Trudi O’Donnell says:

    Thinking of you Felicity, Andrew and families, your dad was such a talented man, take care.
    Trudi xx

  8. Lois Stephenson nee Millard says:

    Memories abound … remember Tony with great fondness…He was my Geog teacher at KHS 1958-9, I was the naughty girl who gave him lots of angst.. several years ago, a Réunion held in Bendigo. Sitting opposite, I apologised sincerely….Tony’s response to my husband, ‘ how the hell do you put up with her,”.. all forgiven & a farewell kiss from my favourite teacher. .. Sleep peacefully Tony. Thank you for being you. 🙏⚘️🙏💕
    Lois Stephenson nee Millard

  9. Craig A Ginnivan says:

    Just a great bloke, condolences to the family.
    Craig Ginnivan

  10. Jo Hogan says:

    To Felicity and all of your family.
    So sorry to hear the news of your dad’s passing. What a difference he made to so many lives. He was a great teacher for me, and always encouraging!
    Love and light
    Jo (Jo Hogan)

  11. Lisa Hall says:

    Tony was an original, with his craft and creative sensibility. As an artist, he was unusual in celebrating the subtle beauty of the northern Victorian landscape; as a teacher, he instilled in us a strong work ethic and pushed us to achieve more than we thought we could; a funny dad with hilarious nicknames for all the children. Builder, bushman, sailer, he had many adventures. I am so glad to hear that he went in peace. My thoughts are with all the family.
    Lisa Hall

  12. Ian McConnell says:

    My most sincere condolences to Tony’s family. I only got to know Tony in the last few years, but considered him one of my very special friends. I enjoyed his company and the conversations we had on a wide range of topics and current affairs. I respected his skills as an artist in precious metals and have several pieces of his work, which I will treasure. Always enjoyed popping into his little workshop to see what he was making and the discussion that inevitably followed. His family should be very proud of his achievements and legacy.
    Ian McConnell

  13. Jey Norris says:

    Hi All. A great acquaintance and comrade, cannot believe we were talking and exchanging banter at Boga this easter. Sorry to hear he is gone and he will be missed by us all.
    I have many of his trophy’s created over years and will miss his dry humor. Sympathy’s to you all.
    Regards Joey and Marg

  14. Michael Wilson says:

    Tony was a treasured friend for 47 years.
    I had the sad but important opportunity of visiting him in the final days before he passed.
    I will remember him as a creative and skilled man, gifted in so many aspects of the arts and crafts.
    His primary skills were in gold and silversmithing, his creations which were sold in many galleries around Australia. In whatever activity he undertook he was thoughtful and meticulous, whether it be in his passion for sailing, restoring historic homesteads in the outback or acting as the longtime secretary for the Gold and Silversmiths Guild of Australia.
    It was wonderful to see how his children surrounded and supported him in his final days.
    Michael Wilson

  15. Stephen Dean says:

    I met Tony when I retired back to Bendigo in 2016 via a Friday lunch group.
    We discovered we were kindred spirits which led to an ongoing friendship.
    You will be missed mate.
    Stephen Dean

  16. Ross Hall says:

    A friend for 66 years.
    We shared mudbrick making, family raising in Kerang, travel, history, the Avenel project, wine and so many things over that time.
    We have all benefited from having known him.
    To the family, my thoughts are with you.
    Ross Hall

  17. Shellie Bolitho says:

    Sending our love and sincere condolences to all the family 🕊️🕊️🕊️
    I have been wearing many jewellery pieces for 40+ years and still get asked where I got them from – fond memories from Maldon 🤍🤍🤍
    from Bolitho family xxxx

  18. Peter Alexander says:

    To the Kean Family,
    Our thoughts and prayers for you at this time on the passing of Tony.
    I have great memories of Tony as a teacher at Kerang High and the friendship in later years at Maldon and Bendigo. It was always a warm welcome walking into Bath Lane shop and chat over many subjects.
    He will always be remembered when we look at our engagement and wedding rings.
    Pete and Christine Alexander

  19. Carolin says:

    Tony is (I’m struggling with ‘was’) a creative and capable man.
    His many talents have already been stated elegantly.
    For me though… he was my uncle. Looking at his face always brings my nanna and dad to life.
    I will treasure the phone calls and lament the lost opportunities.

    I will miss him always.

  20. Nancy Whittaker says:

    To Felicity and all of Tony’s children.
    Please accept our deepest condolences.
    He was a remarkable man and a brilliant gold and silver smith as well as our second cousin with many a tale to tell …
    Nancy Whittaker

  21. June Dale says:

    Cousin Tony, the eldest of the 6 of us, we spent all our young lives together, getting older kept us apart to some extent
    but our “Family” involvement is always there.
    Love and condolences to all.
    Graeme, June, Hilary and Families. RIP

  22. Eve McKenna (May) says:

    To Felicity and family,
    My deepest condolences to you all.
    I have many wonderful memories of holidays and camping trips with your family.
    Tony will be remembered as a teacher, friend and original and gifted artist.
    I still love and wear many of my AK jewellery pieces.
    Love to you all, Eve McKenna (May)

  23. Mark Baker says:

    A skilled artist, a brilliant craftsman and a great friend.
    Peace be with you, Tony.
    Mark Baker

  24. Bernie and Shayne Wilson says:

    Wonderful memories of sharing good food, wine and conversation. Tony was a very skilled craftsman who has left a lasting artistic legacy.
    Deepest sympathy to all of his many loved ones. We will have a cocktail for you.
    Bernie and Shayne Wilson

  25. Rex Keogh says:

    Fondest memories of making mud bricks in Kerang , Ventor & Maldon : stalking & hunting ducks across numerous locations in Kerang & along the Murray River.
    Sharing years at RMIT in the early 70’s, & after, when honing our Gold & Silversmithing skills; and more recently enjoying the opportunity to commission his unique design & craft talents. In the limited years & times we had together, my enduring memory is that of Tony’s pioneering spirit, dry humour, kindness & a total sincerity in his grasp of life.
    Rex Keogh

  26. Bruce Willmott says:

    Lots of laughs along the way Tony… most of them at my expense, but that’s ok!
    Sorry about your favourite chisel but you couldn’t have taken it with you anyway.
    Great memories and a platypus!
    Bruce and Christine, Curlewis.

  27. Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf says:

    Sending our deepest sympathy to Tony’s family.
    On behalf of The City of Greater Bendigo, we acknowledge the passing of Tony Kean, who for many years designed the links of the Mayoral chain.
    Tony’s legacy lives on in this beautiful and ornate chain, which is essential to the symbolism of the Mayoral role.
    Our thoughts are with his family at this time as we acknowledge his amazing expertise and craftmanship, and contribution to representing civic leadership in our community.
    Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf, City of Greater Bendigo

  28. Pat Grumont, Secretary Buda Castlemaine says:

    Tony will be remembered with high esteem by the community of Buda Historic Home and Garden, Castlemaine.
    Tony played a significant role in the establishment and growth of the Ernest Leviny Commemorative Silver Exhibition for its Lifetime from 1988 – 2017.
    So many wear his work with pride.
    Vale Tony.
    Buda Historic Home and Garden, Castlemaine

  29. The Victorian Button Collectors Club, Melbourne says:

    Our Club has had a long association with Tony.
    At one of our early Button Club events he gave a very informative talk on the process of making silver buttons.
    In 2005 one of our members attended a National Button Convention in America, taking with her the Club’s raffle donation of four of Tony’s silver buttons with Australian motifs. Many of our members have, as part of their collections, his beautifully created and artistic buttons.
    In 2021 our Club celebrated 25 years and we asked Tony to make us a special Anniversary button – what he made for us was perfect.
    He was always helpful and generous with his time, and his buttons will be treasured.
    Our thoughts are with his family.
    The Victorian Button Collectors Club, Melbourne

  30. Matthew and Veronica Arkins says:

    We had the pleasure to meet Tony later in life with Sue, but knew of him from many years prior.
    His creative talent was well known and appreciated by many.
    We enjoyed the times we spent together over meals and a good red.
    Gone but not forgotten.
    Condolences to his family and the McKenzie’s.
    Matthew and Veronica Arkins

  31. Graeme May says:

    Great memories of a master craftsman, renovator, travelling companion and a great friend.
    We go back over sixty years to the happy times in Kerang, Apex club, the school inspector prank and much more.
    Always remembered.
    Graeme May

  32. Jim Buchecker says:

    Tony and I sailed together in Dinghies, myself as forward-hand, with Tony as Skipper. Tony instructed and trained me in the finer points of Dinghy Racing.
    We sailed together many times over the years at Lake Boga, and at Phillip Island, and other significant bodies of water. We enjoyed much racing success and shrugged off the odd defeat.
    Tony was an outstanding sailor and sailing mentor.
    Tony was also a fine and well regarded Technical teacher.
    Tony was widely known and highly regarded as a craftsman in the creation of fine pieces of fine jewellery. Indeed his pieces were and have remained highly sought after.
    We also taught together on the Staff at Kerang Technical High School.
    Farewell Skipper.
    Ready about!

  33. Doug Westland says:

    To Tony’s family and friends, his death prompts rich memories of Kerang High in 1961-62 for this old bloke.
    Tony was a young 25y/o starting out in his teaching career in woodwork, metalwork and something called instrumental drawing.
    I was in second year anticipating an academic curriculum and then tertiary studies towards an undetermined career.
    Tony came with a formidable reputation, gruff, no bullshit , no smartarseing. His task was to teach manual trade skills in very traditional 1930’s workshops; set exercises shaping and joining wood and metal.. all foundation skills with little scope for individual creativity
    I recognise now, that Tony saw beyond that.
    It was a time of real forment at KHS. ..600 odd ‘boomers’, we later become known as; children of aspirational parents who had survived much hardship … Television just starting.
    A crop of new teachers contributed a creative energy at that time.
    I think particularly of Ken Jiggins, Juliette Barton, Kevin Siddell, Joan Beeching, John Gilmore, Ted Simmonds, among others, all leaving their mark.
    Tony stood out however, giving me the confidence and encouragement to devise and design my own projects. This eventually lead me on to architecture… extending an interest in designing and making things.
    I look back on those formative years with affection and gratitude and my purpose in writing this is to let you, his family know how significant Tony’s influence and example was for me.
    Thanks for everything, Tony.

Funeral Details

28th June 2024 at 1:00 PM