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24 Hours 7 Days

(03) 5470 5951

12 Campbell Street, Castlemaine

195 High Street, Kangaroo Flat (Bendigo)

in memory of

Stephen Phillis

Stephen Phillis

11th June 1947 - 6th January 2025


Steve passed away peacefully at Bendigo Hospital.

Loved husband of Maura Murphy.

Loved father of David, Mark, Steve and Douglas Phillis and their families.


A private family service has been held. 

Funeral Livestream


4 responses to “Stephen Phillis”

  1. George Milford says:

    Deepest sympathy to Maura and the boys.
    Steve was a good friend to me.
    I have known him since 1987 and appreciated the fact that he willingly transferred employment from Kelly & Lewis Springvale to Thompsons Castlemaine.
    I valued his (quirky but understated) sense of humour, his keen interest in art and his outlook on life.
    I have several of Steve’s paintings and always looked forward to his entries in the Harcourt Applefest Art Show.
    I have kept all of the envelopes which he mailed to me, with their amusing forms of address.
    Life won’t be the same without Steve.
    George Milford

  2. Anne & Robin Fenn says:

    Steve was our neighbour for 30 years.
    He’s a good friend who’ll be sadly missed.
    Anne & Robin Fenn

  3. Ella Henri says:

    I met Stephen through buying his art hanging at the Maldon Hotel.
    I’ve since spent time together with Stephen at his home with Maura and his beloved Chihuahuas, exploring his studio den and beautiful garden.
    A renowned artist and good guy, we shared a few beers and talked dogs, nature and art.
    You could say I became a collector of Stephen’s work and have 8 amazing pieces, one of which I commissioned of my chihuahua and cat.
    Rest easy Stephen.
    Ella Henri

  4. Kevin Hair says:

    Sorry to hear.
    He was a great friend to me when I was residing in Castlemaine; my Collection of his work is extensive.
    Kevin Hair

Funeral Details

A private service has been held.