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12 Campbell Street, Castlemaine

195 High Street, Kangaroo Flat (Bendigo)

in memory of

Joan Wishart

Joan Wishart

17th October 1926 - 22nd May 2021


So very much loved by

Husbands Frank (dec) and David (dec)

Children John & Gisela, Viv & Andrew, Phil (dec) & Fiona, Steve (dec) & Wendy (dec)

Grandchildren Carrie & Katherine, Kristiana & Jonathan, Pia, Fraser, Tom and Cesc,

Great-granddaughter Pearl.

What a woman! She was our matriarch!

She will be greatly missed.


A service to celebrate Joan's life will be held in the Chapel of Mount Alexander Funerals,

12 Campbell Street, Castlemaine on Saturday 26th June at 2.00pm.

Current covid restrictions remain in place.  You must wear a face mask whilst indoors.


If you prefer to join us via livestream, please return to the home page of this website and click on the livestream button.

The service will be live approximately 5-10 minutes prior to commencing.


Funeral Livestream


10 responses to “Joan Wishart”

  1. Alice Clague says:

    Joan Wishart …
    Joan joined the Castlemaine Branch of the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria in 2002.
    Early that year she volunteered to be Branch Secretary, a position to which she was duly elected at the A.G.M. Joan capably fulfilled that role until July 2006.
    When she stepped down as Secretary, Joan, always interested and knowledgeable about the history of embroidery, offered to write articles for the Branch’s monthly newsletter, “Needlepoints” (an 8 page A5 publication).
    These were always well researched and of great interest to members.
    Two articles published in 2006 were “Solving the Mystery of the Peacock Dress” and “A Voyage in Jacobean Embroidery” then in 2007 “Embroidery for Millionaires” and “Deerfield Embroidery”.
    These are just a few of the articles written by Joan, always much appreciated by the membership and also by me as Needlepoints Editor for many years.
    It was around this time that our small publication came to the notice of The State Library.
    They thought it a great social history and requested we post them to a copy each month.
    Later we were able to email copies to the library.
    In 2015 Joan relinquished her membership and was sadly missed.
    Many, who were early members of Castlemaine Branch, will hold strong and loving memories of Joan and would wish to extend their sincere condolences to her family, as I do.
    – Alice Clague

  2. Antoinette O’Shaughnessy says:

    My deepest sympathy to Joan’s family. She was compassionate, fiercely intelligent and with a sharp wit.
    It was an honour to be there as her cardiac nurse and friend over the past 5-6 years.
    Vale Joan. I shall never forget you!

  3. Vicki Nankervis says:

    My family and I will so miss Joan. What a woman, indeed.
    A long life, so well lived.

  4. Colin Archer says:

    So sorry to hear of Joan’s passing.
    She was my mother’s neighbour for only a short time however we got to know this wonderfully interesting and interested woman.
    Our deepest sympathy to Joan’s family.
    – Colin and Tony.

  5. Cynthia Berty says:

    My Father was Stan Hargreaves, Joan’s cousin.
    Joan also lived in Dandenong and had contacts with my husband the Berry family.
    We visited Joan in Castlemaine several times. Cynthia Berry (née Hargreaves) from Mortlake

  6. Judy McFarlane says:

    Joan and our mother Gladys (née Gorman) had been great friends since the 1940s in their working days in Shepparton. We enjoyed rekindling the friendship about ten years ago, some years after mum’s death. I feel so fortunate to have met Joan. We often messaged each other and I so enjoyed her elegant fashion posts, her wit, charm and intellect. Much love from our family to yours, Judy McFarlane

  7. Denise Byrne says:

    My thoughts are with all – Joan’s extended family.
    We both worked for Rural Finance and kept in touch over the years.
    I will dearly miss her sense of humour and she really was a fountain of knowledge.
    …Denise Byrne

  8. Lyell and Andrew Horwood says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful celebration of Joan’s long and productive life. Such a wonderful person. Sorry we could not be there in person

  9. Carol Thom says:

    My father Stan Hargreaves was Joan’s cousin . He grew up in Hawthorn, but moved to Mortlake to work for his father, Joe Hargreaves, when his parents moved there when Dad was older. I had the pleasure to meet up with Joan a few years ago with my sister Cynthia. We had a lovely chat that day and she was able to fill us in with lots of family history. I have never forgotten that day.

  10. Ishara Wishart says:

    It’s hard to put into words what Joey meant to me and what a remarkable woman she was.
    Such a bright mind, always sparking up stimulating conversations about current affairs and so forward thinking for her generation.
    And such a kind soul, opening her home and her heart to so many. Always making David’s family feel welcome, as with those in the neighbourhood.
    Plus, of course, caring for David for so many years, even when it took a toll on her physically.

    And she was my grandmother. We may not have been blood related but she was more than that to me.
    She was there through my whole life, giving love and affection, and I loved her so much.
    I have so many wonderful memories with Joey!
    From going to op shops, and finding hidden treasures, to country markets and lunches out.
    From lively conversations about history and politics around the dining table, to eating Chinese and watching The Bill on Saturday nights.

    While we knew this day would eventually come, it doesn’t make it any easier.
    And the world is now poorer for not having her in it.
    I miss her a lot and I wish I got to say goodbye.
    But I will hold her in my heart forever.
    And her memory will live on in all of our lives.

Funeral Details

At the request of the family, a private service was held.